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Primary School

Learning to bee the best that we can bee!

Painting Day - Help Wanted!

On Sunday 16th July we would like to organise the school’s annual painting day. For those parents who are new to the school or cannot remember how painting day works, I have explained it below.

The aim of the day is to paint different areas of the inside and outside of the school. The PTA very kindly provides the paint, paintbrushes, lunch and childcare! Adults, you provide the labour!

You could volunteer to help in the morning, afternoon or whole day if you so desire. Whatever you can offer is a huge HELP! All you need to do is fill in the form attached to the newsletter and offer your service. In order for this to be successful, we need lots and lots of helpers.

As mentioned earlier, we will provide a lovely lunch and, if you wish to bring your children along, we will provide a wonderful child-minding service which includes a swim in our lovely, warm swimmimg pool. 

So come along and spend the day painting, chatting and making the school beautiful once again!!!!! The more help we have the quicker we get the job DONE!!!