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Primary School

Learning to bee the best that we can bee!

Beginning & End of the Day


The school doors will now open at 8.40am
The school registers will be taken by 8.50am
Infant End of the day is 3.10pm
Junior End of the day is 3.15pm

If you have any questions about the above timings, please don’t hesitate to come and talk to the school office.

Can we remind parents that children are not allowed on site before 8.30am as the playground is UNSUPERVISED.  We offer supervision from 8.30am onwards on the school playground.

At the end of the day, children whose parents are late can be collected from the school office. We ask that if you are going to be late, please could you let the school know as soon as possible.

Buzz, the busy bee bus will continue to be used as an activity centre at the start of the day. If you need to drop your child off earlier than 8.30am, due to work commitments, this is possible from 8.15am. The children have the opportunity to go onto the school bus, where Mrs Tee will supervise them. Your child does not need to come into school, you simply escort your child around to the bus at the back of the school and Mrs Tee will meet and greet them with lots of lovely activities. The cost for this service is £2 a day. If you intend to use this service, we need the children to bring their £2 to school each morning, and pay Mrs Tee.

Can we take this opportunity to remind parents that Kiss and Drive will operate as normal, Miss Webster or another member of staff will be outside the school at 8.30am. 

Also, if your child is in year 1 or above. they are allowed to get out of the car and go straight onto the playground where Mrs Tee will be waiting. She is always on the playground by 8.30am.

Kiss and Drive is a great initiative and is really helpful to everybody who uses it. Please be kind, patient and smiley if you are going to use this wonderful service!