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Primary School

Learning to bee the best that we can bee!

Our Web Editors

Meet our year six web editors Sonny and Freddie These ICT experts are in our year six class and are responsible for maintaining and improving our OUTSTANDING school website!

sonny herbert

SonnySonny is obsessed with computers and has every gadget going including a driving simulator, an xbox, playstation, a Nintendo switch, a Nintendo wii, a laptop, an IMac, a desktop, a phone, an iPad, and an iPod, and a microbit! Phew! He is looking forward to updating our 'ancient' website and expanding it so pupils and parents find it more useful!

LIKES: My cat Luna, driving simulators and Italian food.

DISLIKES: Vicious dogs, mustard and homework.


FReddie glue

freddieFreddie is an ICT expert and loves gaming, particularly Minecraft! He is excited to be a Year 6 web editor because he wants to update and improve our school website and learn how to become a website administrator.

LIKES: Gaming, Arsenal FC and cats.

DISLIKES: Wasps, avocado, homework and getting up in the morning!