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Primary School

Learning to bee the best that we can bee!

Our Reading Ambassadors

Meet our Year 6 Reading Ambassadors.....


Favourite genre: 

Favourite book of all time: 

Reading Habits: 

Why she thinks she will be a good reading ambassador: 


Favourite genre: Fantasy, Thrillers and mysteries. 

Favourite author of all time: Elle Mcnicoll.

Reading Habits: She reads 35 max pages a night and she reads in bed or on the sofa.

Why she thinks she will be a good reading ambassador: She loves to read and she enjoys helping other people enjoy reading.



Favourite genre: 

Favourite book of all time: 

Reading Habits: 

Why she thinks she will be a good reading ambassador: 


Favourite genre: 

Favourite book of all time: 

Reading Habits: 

Why she thinks she will be a good reading ambassador: 


Favourite genre: Scary or funny.

Favourite book of all time: Shadows of Winter Spell by Amy Wilson.

Reading Habits: Raegan reads 2 times a day, 10-25 pages a day. She reads In her room and when she gets home from school and before bed,

Why she thinks she will be a good reading ambassador: Because I love to read and I think I can influence people to read.