By the Seaside
The Summer term's topic By the seaside is started with a BANG! by learning all about Pirates. This part of our topic has a strong historical element to it and the children learn all about what life would have been like as a pirate! They use their map skills to create their own treasure maps and write directions for the buried treasure extending their geography skills further by using a range of directional language! They also learn to use co-ordinates to help locate things on simple maps. They practice their interview skills on poor Shipwrecked Sam, who we help to escape from his desert island, and they all have a wonderful day on pirate day!
We follow on from this with learning about lighthouses through looking at the story THE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S LUNCH! The children love this part of our topic and they use their scientific skills to help Mr Grinling light up his lighthouse using a paperclip to complete a broken circuit!
Finally our topic takes us to the magical world that's under the sea, to discover what creatures we can find!