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Primary School

Learning to bee the best that we can bee!

School Nurse & Medical Rules


The school nurse, is always available to chat and give advice. She is amazing and very supportive. If you have any concerns about you or your child, and you would like to chat to the school nurse, please let the school office know and they will contact her and arrange an appointment.

Referral forms have been introduced, but please do not worry, Mrs Higgo will help you with these.

If you have any medical or emotional concerns with regards you or your child, please feel free to pop in and make an appointment.


Below we have outlined a few school medical rules, which are in place to keep all your lovely children fit and well.

Any child with any symptoms of COVID will be sent home immediately. Please do not send your child to school if they have a temperature, a persistent cough or a loss of taste and smell.

Any child who has sickness or diarrhoea must remain off school for 48 hours – this ensures the bug does not spread.

Any child receiving prescription drugs must have this administered at home unless it is needed 4 times a day.

Any child who has a soiling accident will be cleaned, but then parents will be contacted to come and check cleanliness. This will aoid infection.

If any child has a head injury, parents will be contacted, just to be on the safe side!